Mani Vah

Flag of Germany
Flag of Italy Illustration
Union Jack Flag
Pregnant Woman Meditating Silhouette

Mani Vah

Flag of Germany
Pregnant Woman Meditating Silhouette

Wer mir sind

Martina und Daniela sind leidenschaftliche Yogalehrerinnen, die ihre ​Liebe zur Bewegung und zur inneren Ruhe gerne weitergeben. Mit ihrer ​individuellen Herangehensweise schaffen sie einen Raum, in dem jeder ​seine eigene Yoga-Reise entdecken kann. Ob Anfänger oder ​Fortgeschrittener – bei Martina und Daniela ist jeder herzlich ​willkommen.

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Yoga Angebote


Erwache mit dem ​Sonnenaufgang.


Erlebe die Magie des ​Vollmonds.


Entspanne Körper


Geist im Wald.

Silhouette of Mountains during Sunset
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Sonnenaufgang-Yoga: Dein energetischer Morgenkick

Starte den Tag mit Yoga im Morgenlicht und tanke Energie. Die ​Kombination aus Bewegung und Natur stärkt Körper und Geist, ​reduziert Stress und fördert innere Ruhe.

Moon Over the Sea
Vector Image


Vollmond-Yoga: Lass die Energie des Mondes auf dich wirken

Erlebe die besondere Energie des Vollmonds bei einer entspannten ​Yogapraxis. Herzöffnende Übungen, Meditation und Atemtechniken ​helfen dir, loszulassen und innere Balance zu finden.

Person Walking Between Green Forest Trees
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Wald-Yoga: Verbinde dich mit der Natur

Erlebe die wohltuende Wirkung des Waldes bei einer entspannten ​Yogapraxis. Atme die frische Luft ein, spüre die Erde unter deinen ​Füßen und finde zu mehr Ruhe und innerer Balance.


Yoga ist für jeden geeignet, egal wie flexibel oder sportlich du ​bist. Es geht darum, deinen Körper besser kennenzulernen ​und deine Grenzen sanft zu erweitern. Durch regelmäßige ​Praxis kannst du Stress reduzieren, deine Konzentration ​steigern und dich einfach wohler fühlen..

Unsere Highlights

Was unsere ​Mitglieder zu sagen ​haben

Die beiden schaffen eine so warme und einladende Atmosphäre in ​ihren Stunden. Man fühlt sich sofort wohl und geborgen. Martina und ​Daniela haben eine ganz besondere Art, komplexe Asanas zu erklären ​und anzupassen, sodass jeder mitmachen kann.


"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations that include ​feedback from others."

Lars Peeters

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Just add them here!"

Rosamaria Aguado

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Madison Chen

Yoga Mani Vah

Contact Us

123 Anywhere St.

Any City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890

Business Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12 noon

Sunday by appointment only.

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Mani Vah

Flag of Italy Illustration
Pregnant Woman Meditating Silhouette

Chi sono i miei?

Martina e Daniela sono insegnanti di yoga appassionate, dedite a trasmettere il loro amore per il movimento e la serenità interiore. Grazie al loro approccio personalizzato, creano un ambiente in cui ciascuno può esplorare il proprio percorso nello yoga. Che si tratti di principianti o esperti, tutti sono i benvenuti da Martina e Daniela.

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Offerte di yoga


Risvegliarsi all'alba.

Luna piena

Vivi l'incanto della luna piena.


Rilassa il corpo e

Fantasma nella selva.

Silhouette of Mountains during Sunset
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Sunrise Yoga: la vostra carica mattutina energetica Iniziate la giornata con lo yoga alla luce del mattino e ricaricate le batterie. La combinazione di movimento e natura rafforza il corpo e la mente, riduce lo stress e favorisce la pace interiore.

Moon Over the Sea
Vector Image

Luna piena

Yoga della luna piena: lasciate che l'energia della luna agisca su di voi durante una pratica yoga rilassata. Esercizi di apertura del cuore, meditazione e tecniche di respirazione ti aiutano a lasciar andare e a trovare l'equilibrio interiore.

Person Walking Between Green Forest Trees
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Yoga nella foresta: Connettiti con la natura Sperimenta gli effetti benefici della foresta durante una pratica yoga rilassata. Respirate l'aria fresca, sentite la terra sotto i piedi e ritrovate più pace ed equilibrio interiore.


Lo yoga è accessibile a tutti, indipendentemente dal livello di ​flessibilità o atletismo. Si tratta di approfondire la conoscenza ​del proprio corpo ed espandere gradualmente i propri limiti. ​Attraverso una pratica costante, è possibile ridurre lo stress, ​migliorare la concentrazione e, in generale, sentirsi meglio.


Cosa dicono i nostri ​membri

I due creano un'atmosfera così calda e invitante nelle loro lezioni. Ci ​si sente subito a proprio agio. Martina e Daniela hanno un modo ​molto speciale di spiegare e adattare asana complesse in modo che ​tutti possano partecipare.


"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Just add them here!"

Rosamaria Aguado

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations that include ​feedback from others."

Lars Peeters

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Madison Chen

Yoga Mani Vah

Contact Us

123 Anywhere St.

Any City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890

Business Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12 noon

Sunday by appointment only.

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Mani Vah

Union Jack Flag
Pregnant Woman Meditating Silhouette

Who are my people?

Martina and Daniela are passionate yoga teachers, dedicated to passing ​on their love of movement and inner serenity. Thanks to their ​personalised approach, they create an environment where everyone can ​explore their own path in yoga. Whether beginner or expert, everyone is ​welcome at Martina and Daniela's.

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Yoga Offers


Waking up at dawn.

Full Moon

Experience the enchantment of the full moon.


Relax your body and

Ghost in the forest.

Silhouette of Mountains during Sunset
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Sunrise Yoga: your morning energy boost Start your day with yoga ​in the morning light and recharge your batteries. The combination of ​movement and nature strengthens body and mind, reduces stress ​and promotes inner peace.

Book​ now

Moon Over the Sea
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Full moon

Full moon yoga: Let the energy of the moon work on you during a ​relaxed yoga practice. Heart-opening exercises, meditation and ​breathing techniques help you to let go and find inner balance.

Person Walking Between Green Forest Trees
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Yoga in the forest: Connect with nature Experience the beneficial ​effects of the forest during a relaxed yoga practice. Breathe in the ​fresh air, feel the earth beneath your feet and find more peace and ​inner balance.


Yoga is accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of ​flexibility or athleticism. It is about deepening your knowledge ​of your body and gradually expanding your limits. Through ​constant practice, you can reduce stress, improve ​concentration and generally feel better.


What our members ​say

The two create such a warm and inviting atmosphere in their lessons. ​One immediately feels at ease. Martina and Daniela have a very ​special way of explaining and adapting complex asanas so that ​everyone can participate.


"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Just add them here!"

Rosamaria Aguado

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations that include ​feedback from others."

Lars Peeters

"Boost your product and service's credibility by adding testimonials ​from your clients. People love recommendations so feedback from ​others who've tried it is invaluable.

Madison Chen

Yoga Mani Vah

Contact Us

123 Anywhere St.

Any City, ST 12345

(123) 456-7890

Business Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12 noon

Sunday by appointment only.

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